Health Information Management
Authorization to Release Patient-Identifiable Health Information FormThe Medical Records department functions include: admissions of patients, responsible for all patient medical records, retrieving and storing the medical records in a patient file, release of personal health information and protecting confidentiality of all personal health information according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, transcription of medical reports, processing requests for information from outside sources, physicians, insurance companies, chart completion and accuracy analysis, coding for statistical and insurance purposes, performance improvement studies and other tasks as assigned. The Department Director is the Privacy Officer.
The Medical Records professionals at Sheridan Memorial Hospital and Nursing Home outline five things you need to know about your personal health information:
1. Each of your healthcare providers compiles a separate medical record on you. This means your complete history probably cannot be found in any one place. By keeping your own personal health record (PHR), you can provide your doctors with valuable information that can improve the quality of care you receive. A PHR can help reduce or eliminate duplicate tests and allow you to receive faster, safer treatment and care in an emergency.
2. Federal laws are in place to protect the privacy and give you access rights to your health information. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), you can view, request changes to, and obtain copies of health information documents collected and kept about you.
3. Your information can only be seen by those who need it in order to provide your treatment, to facilitate payment for healthcare services, and to make sure quality care is being received. Your information may also be used for research and as a legal document in cases where evidence of care is needed. Anyone else who wants to use it for any other purpose needs your permission first.
4. The healthcare industry and the federal government are working to improve healthcare through the use of information technology. This is done through the use of electronic health records (EHR) and a secure system that would allow EHRs to be shared across healthcare systems and providers to allow you greater access to your health information. Currently most healthcare providers still manage medical records in a paper format.
5. At healthcare organizations across the nation, health information management professionals are working to maintain your health record. These professionals are responsible for ensuring your health record is accurate, complete, confidential, and available when you, your doctor, and other healthcare professionals need access to the information.
For more information about your personal health information privacy rights, visit
We may only discuss your account with you, the patient and the guarantor of those under 18. If you would like to allow others (i.e. spouse/guardian/family/friend) to discuss your financial bills with us you must complete this form and return to Sheridan Memorial Billing Staff.